Find a Show
Use the filters below to search for a show/trial in your area within a certain date range. If you notice any details that may need amending, please use our online form to notify us.
Disclaimer: The Kennel Club’s database of licensed shows and trials is available for you to search for competitions to enter or to attend as a spectator. There are thousands of clubs all over the country holding varying types of shows.
These competitions are all organised by clubs and societies associated with The Kennel Club and are held in accordance with strict rules and regulations to ensure dogs are judged on a level playing field. The events are managed with the health and safety of those attending being paramount. Above all, each competition supports The Kennel Club’s commitment to health and welfare of dogs.
You can search for a specific activity within a chosen area and within a specific period of time. Find a Show has been designed to also support club and society secretaries to find out what other events are being held at the same time as their shows or to research an alternative date should the need arise. The database of shows and trials is updated on a daily basis, however if you believe an entry is incorrect please email The Kennel Club.